Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4. I chose this photo to be my transformative photo because it revolutionized the way I view photography. Initially, I viewed photography as a distant art form that attempts to capture the present. However in attempts to obtain this particular photo I learned a deeper implication behind photography. Superficially, photography is appeasing to the eye; photos provide viewers with a diorama of feelings such as happiness or even sadness. Although I'm just beginning to photograph I can already feel the life changing elements that photography possesses. The maxim, "A picture is worth a thousand words" relays the complex journey behind each photo. In retrospect, this photo is the sole reason why I've begun pondering the so called world of 'photography'.

5. In photography shape is defined as a combination of different elements of design. In my year of photography I was able to photography some of the following including: line and space. It's characterized by a two-dimensional space. Form on the other hand is a three-dimensional space. While shapes include circles and squares, form would include spheres and cubes. Form depends on perspective and the depth of the photo. This is the difference behind form and shape.

 Elements of Art - Shape - (
Elements of Art - Form - (
*I took these photos at Mission Peak*

6. When a certain aspect is repeated it means that it is positively enhanced. This means that a certain stimulus such as color or shape is added to embolden the photo and deliver a stronger message to the viewer. It addition to strength photos that exhibit repetition are proven to pique the interest of viewers more. Photos with patterns exhibit repetition but with a deeper subtle meaning. In a world that is ravaged by hunger, death, and ultimately chaos, photos with pattern establish a sense of order. For example the two photos that I have provided below provide contrasting effects with a similar technique. My repetition photo is a picture of pedals of flower that radiate out towards from a base, this relays and interesting and inquisitive feeling into the viewer. The photo of pattern provides a sense of control and peace, as there is a vastly different foreground and background. The hills and the patch of flowers are both repeating patterns that are found anywhere, but the way that they are position in this photo provide relief and a refuge from the chaotic forces that govern this world.

     Principles of Design - Pattern - (
Principles of Design - Repetition - (
*I took these photos at Mission Peak*


8. Among the three projects I was assigned to do, I felt that I resonated with my inner photographer most when I did the "About a bunch of things - About Me, Shadow, and Light". I had a fantastic time photographing other people and having to work with them to get particular shots. Again, there is much more to photography than what meets the eye. It's hard to believe that I had so much fun while working so hard. I define work as a successful endeavor that maximizes the amount of fun for the smallest amount of work. All my projects were fun, but I remember my Spring Expo as the time where I put a bike in a tree - sadly, however, I couldn't get any good shots. I also had the opportunity to collaborate with my brother, which I don't get to too often. It was a time of brotherly bonding, something that I will cherish till the day I leave this world. I definitely changed as an individual, because for the first time in my life I wasn't working for a grade; I was working for my own enjoyment and satisfaction. As a junior, I've come to grown skeptical and cynical of the things that events unraveling around me. My pessimism reached a point where there would be abrasive encounters both at home and at school. Usual 'stress-venting activities' such as running and cycling weren't working, because of school work and AP testing. Photography helped me to overcome the hardships at school, it helped me clearly envision what I wanted and how I could come about obtaining that goal. Photographers have a keen ability to predict and orchestrate events so that a particular memory can be captured. I applied this ability to my life and things gradually took a turn for the better. Honestly, if it wasn't for photography I would have remained steadfast in my stubborn and impatient ways but the world of photography has opened doors that I myself couldn't have opened. I've become a person of greater patience and acceptance. After I graduate college, I want to continue to carry out the lessons I learned in photography; I want to make collaborative efforts with the people around me for a greater cause and just have a good time.

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