Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Masters of Photography Project

About the Photographer

Julia Margaret Cameron was born June 1815, and pursued a photographic career that usually followed a heroic theme. She took may portraits and even took self-portraits from time to time. She grew up in the Britain controlled part of India. She was an educated women and her photography was unique in that her photos captured the audience in awe and inspiration. She would always photograph people in an 'epic disposition', incorporating the full effect of the background as well.

Your View

I chose this photographer, because I really admire the masterful use of basic techniques such as 'soft-focus'. I've always wanted to emulate great photographers through the usage of basic technique, and Julia Margaret Cameron gave me that opportunity. I am inspired to shoot more in my free time and bring joy to others though my photographs. I was also inspired by the amount of time and dedication that Julia Margaret Cameron devoted to make these photos. Likewise, I spent a lot of time editing and refining my photos so that they would have that 'soft-touch' feel. Initially, I thought that the subject should be the main focus of attention. Julia Margaret Cameron taught me that the background is just as important as the foreground and for future reference I hope to carry out that mentality.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Second Portrait

I used camera raw to highlight Melissa against the sunlight and effectively implement the Rule of Depth. There is a sense of depth that comes from the back building and the scenery in the back.  

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Composition Review - 3 Rules

I used several sites in order to further my understanding on these complex photography techniques. My three rules of
composition was perspective, depth, and the rule of thirds. 

Candid Portrait

This is my candid picture, taken without my knowledge. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

First Portrait

I used camera raw in this photo to make the subject lighter. The photo, before it was edited, showed a very strong aspect of yellow. Now it isn't that noticeable, although there is still a strong sense of yellow. 

Shallow Depth of Field

On camera raw I emboldened the color blue and magenta so that the subject would be the focus of the photo. I also tried to manipulate the black, for the shadows, so that it wouldn't take the focus away from the subject. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Third Photo Assignment - My Third Rule

I utilized perspective in this photo to alter the mood of the photograph. Perspective isn't just restrained to high, lower level shots - I changed the perception of my peer by shooting it from a distance and a tad bit to the left.

Three Rules
1. Rule of Depth
2. Rule of Thirds
3. Rules of Perspective

Second Photo Assignment - My Second Rule

Instead of capturing the subject of the picture directly, I used a mirror for a greater effect. I also took the photo this particular way so that there is a sharper contrast between the subject and the background. If I had taken the photo directly, the background would have seemed just to be a continuation of the background. 

First Photo Assignment - My First Rule

Although a photo is a two dimensional presentation, there is a sense of depth in this photo. I was able to create depth in this photo through proper placement. The human eye recognizes these separate layer and mentally divides them out, hence creating a greater sense of depth.