Friday, September 26, 2014

Third Photo Assignment - My Third Rule

I utilized perspective in this photo to alter the mood of the photograph. Perspective isn't just restrained to high, lower level shots - I changed the perception of my peer by shooting it from a distance and a tad bit to the left.

Three Rules
1. Rule of Depth
2. Rule of Thirds
3. Rules of Perspective

Second Photo Assignment - My Second Rule

Instead of capturing the subject of the picture directly, I used a mirror for a greater effect. I also took the photo this particular way so that there is a sharper contrast between the subject and the background. If I had taken the photo directly, the background would have seemed just to be a continuation of the background. 

First Photo Assignment - My First Rule

Although a photo is a two dimensional presentation, there is a sense of depth in this photo. I was able to create depth in this photo through proper placement. The human eye recognizes these separate layer and mentally divides them out, hence creating a greater sense of depth.